Do you…
Feel angry and exhausted from being overlooked by your family?
Lost in motherhood, like you don't recognize yourself anymore?
Have a burning desire to feel more yourself, to do more things that you LOVE and to have more Sex?!
Then you, Momma, are in the right place. 🥳
Welcome to Sexy NOT Sorry the group to help you feel like yourself again and enjoy being a mom
It's 69 (fun sexy and a little kinky 😘) days of weekly live calls, recorded video content and step by step plans for you to stop feeling exhausted and triggered all the time and start feeling sexy and alive again
Each week, you’ll learn the steps to get out of your head and back into your body so you can:
Have that indescribable glow that has your friends asking if you just got a facial
Be open to hugs and even flirtatious touches from your partner without feeling “touched-out” at the end of the day
Enjoy deeper orgasms and start acting more like yourself (in and out of the bedroom 😉)
Trust and grow the deep knowing of your mom-tuition
Respond vs. react and stop losing your sh*t everyday
"I have noticed positive changes in all areas. My husband and I talked all the way through sexy not sorry. Which has allowed me to be very open and has softened both of us in a beautiful way. With my kids I have more joy there which has spread like wildfire. We have less yelling and more fun. With friends and others I have more confidence in who I am and am not afraid to share my thoughts. I am doing a lot less people pleasing and able to live more how I would like."
Some days it feels impossible to be the mom you want to be, but it doesn't have to.
In Sexy NOT Sorry you'll learn how to leverage your new skills to become a better mom.
You'll receive support and encouragement to be unapologetically yourself; on good and bad days.
No more feeling like you're failing your children.
We really encourage you to show up when you aren’t looking and feeling your best because you deserve a safe place to be authentic in your motherhood.
And keep in mind, when you’re real you give the other mommas in the group a chance to show up on days that they aren’t feeling their best, too! This is how we create lasting sisterhood.
I'm Mariah, as a wife and momma, my mission is clear: help women feel sexy and powerful while raising their children.
I found my purpose through the brutal process of raising my girls and trying (and failing) to take care of myself.
I fiercely love my girls and desperately wanted to raise them differently, but I was deeply resentful of not being able to prioritize my own desires and needs.
At times, I found myself...
💔 Unable to hold and snuggle them
💔 angry about losing my freedom
💔 disconnected & furious with my body & husband
💔 never wanting to play with my beautiful girls
💔 dreaming about a life without motherhood
I felt broken and alone but after learning the things I’m about to teach you over the next 69 days in Sexy NOT Sorry, I’ve been able to…
💎 Fall in love with my husband, my children and myself, all over again.
💎 Love my body and enjoy incredible orgasms and sex that blow my mind because I feel so connected
💎 Dance and giggle with my girls without effort
💎 Have confidence that I am giving my girls a magnificent childhood and everything they need for the future
Now, I'm here to guide you to YOUR sexy.
Xo Mariah
His incredible wife recently completed SNS, and he wrote the most heartwarming testimonial. Honestly, it felt like a beautiful love letter to her transformation:
"The transformation in my wife (since beginning Sexy NOT Sorry) has been nothing short of deeply impactful. I can't describe the helpless feeling I had watching her slowly lose herself in the role of mother. She lost her passion for dance and creativity, and there was an energetic block preventing us from connecting in some of the most intimate ways.
Over the last 10 weeks (of SNS), the woman I fell in love with has made a reappearance. She feels alive. She's loving all of herself again, even in the face of the insecurities I know she still wrestles with. She's confident. She doesn't just take up space—she owns it and shifts the energy of everyone in the room with her ability to feel, flow, and use the emotions alive inside her.
I'm so grateful to have stumbled across your page and shared it with her on a whim... and somewhat firmly encouraged her to trust you and give it everything she had."
(He lovingly signed her up when she was feeling hesitant to invest in herself! 🥵🫠❤️🔥 )
"I can't help but feel like this is the beginning of the most powerful transformation in our lives' that either of us has seen." --BC
It starts with finally choosing yourself & joining me in Sexy NOT Sorry for 69 days 😘 of expert guidance & momma sisterhood
Week 1: First, we open our sacred, safe circle and help you get crystal clear on intentions for being here and shake any lingering mom guilt
Week 2: Rose Quartz: start to notice the patterns and stories keeping you in the daily hell cycle of over reacting and feeling guilty
Week 3: Selenite: shift the energy of your home from storage unit to sanctuary where everyone feels relaxed
Week 4: Desert Rose: wake up your body, no more wallowing and feeling like frumpy sh*t
Week 5: Rhodochrosite: crack your ❤️🔥 wide open to love and rewrite your story
Week 6: Catch your damn breath, and take stock of where you are in your Sexy NOT Sorry intentions you set in week 1
Week 7: Rhodonite: time to do the work, pick the tools from the Sexy NOT Sorry buffet to use to respond to your triggers & uncover the real YOU you've been missing
Week 8: Smokey Quartz: time to get kinky, uncover your secret pleasures that are holding you hostage
Week 9: Ruby: enjoy daily pleasure and stronger, longer, wetter orgasms 💦
Week 10: Sexy Celebrations and reflections of how far you've come 😉
"My husband said I should say "I now confidentially use the word pussy all the time." 😂 facts. In all seriousness this was the best thing I could do for me at this time in my life. I have the hardest time (my husband has to make me) being "selfish" and doing something for me. But by doing this it did require time for just me but it also benefited my whole family in such a beautiful way."
Expect to join me live each a week for one hour and then prepare to spend some 1:1 quality time getting to know yourself and do you Sexy NOT Sorry portal tasks. This hybrid course includes recorded video content and twice-weekly live calls, which will take up most of your dedicated time. The prerecorded course content is jam-packed, and I've gone above and beyond to deliver. Think of it as a buffet: choose what resonates with you and leave the rest.
First, You don't need my approval but I give you full permission to prioritize yourself. If you want a different life you must do things differently. This is how change is made. For example, showing up for yourself and the commitments you make because YOU ARE WORTH IT.
Second, the sisterhood and the support that comes from meeting live with other momma's is incredibly rewarding. Once you feel the magic of the community you will see the value in prioritizing SNS.
Third, all calls are recorded and you can rewatch or watch the replay whenever you'd like if life does happen. XoM
This is such a good question. It is one of the easiest and hardest to answer. Long of the short is no, they don't have to do any work because this is about finding YOUR sexy. However, you will grow and change and it will inevitably shift your relationship. How they respond to that shift is out of your control!
Due to the digital nature of the course there are no refunds!